Remembering Zsa Zsa Gabor

Today marks the second anniversary of the death of Zsa Zsa Gabor.  Take some time today to celebrate this remarkable woman by being fabulous at whatever it is you do.  Or take a page out of Zsa Zsa’s life: ride a horse, paint, fence, make some goulash, or fall in love.  Whatever you choose, just live it to the fullest.

Remembering Zsa Zsa Gabor

Jolie Gabor’s Famous Hungarian Butter Cookies

I know it’s been a hot minute since we’ve made a post.  Life has been crazy busy in all the good ways.  Unfortunately, it meant that The Gaboratory had to be on the back burner for a while.  But we are back and hopefully back on at least a bi-weekly basis.

I did find an afternoon during this period to try a recipe from Jolie Gabor’s  Family Cookbook.

Jolie Gabor's Family Cookbook
Jolie Gabor’s Family Cookbook









I flipped through the book with one goal in mind:  To satisfy the better half’s belly.  You see, this guy’s heart is directly connected to his stomach.  On the rare occasions that I do cook, I like to keep his stomach satisfied.  The recipe I settled on had the right ingredients to make this happen:  Butter and Sour Cream: Famous Hungarian Butter Cookies.

Famous Hungarian Butter Cookies









The beauty of this recipe was the three sticks of butter and full tub of sour cream that it called for.  My husband would be in heaven with this cookie.  So I pulled all the ingredients and followed the instructions in the photo.  I did have to google what “cut in” meant (I’m so not a chef) and how to do it.  I settled on the “shredding” method.

After about 20 minutes I had cookies!

My cookies









I did end up burning the edges.  I later learned that I need to adjust my oven temp down (is there a handbook for that?)

The cookies were a hit.  The actual consistency is somewhere between a cookie and a cake, more like a tea cake than a cookie.  The husband loved them.  Bonus points because he had to eat them over several days due to the richness of the cookies.

I think the next recipe we are trying is the Dobos Torte – if time permits.  If not, then it will be Zsa Zsa’s Dracula Goulash for Valentine’s Day.  A Valentine’s gift of pork, beef, sausage, and sour cream may not sound romantic but I promise it’s almost as much of a turn on as a negligee for my guy.


Zsa Zsa Gabor’s FBI Files Have Been Released – At Least A Small Portion Of Them

Back in August the FBI released a portion of the estimated 2800 pages of their files on Zsa Zsa Gabor.  Included in the documents are references to Zsa Zsa dancing with Hitler (reported, not reliably confirmed), Zsa Zsa possibly being a German spy, and investigations into letters written to Magda and their parents (Zsa Zsa had a habit of using intermediaries when it was illegal to do so).

Her earliest files show her having at least eight aliases.  To be fair most are due to alternate versions and/or misspellings of her name).  One, Gogoeva, cracks me up.  The communications showing this name were clearly from both Zsa Zsa and Eva.  It is a logical conclusion that they were saving money by combining their names when sending the  communication, kind of the equivalent of making up a name to communicate information when making a collect call.

Some of the information is harsh.  Eva’s voice is described as “shrill.” Francesca is referred to as a “borderline mentally retarded person with a low IQ.”  The information covering one of Zsa Zsa’s robberies hints at her being involved with the event.

Most of the information is just day to day and reveals Zsa Zsa as being completely Zsa Zsa.

Check out the full document over at The Black Vault .  While you are at it, you can check out the FBI files on numerous other celebrities.

OTD – Zsa Zsa Gabor Marries Jack Ryan

On January 21, 1975, Zsa Zsa Gabor married inventor Jack Ryan. This was the sixth marriage for Gabor and the second marriage for Ryan. The wedding took place at Caesar’s Palace in Las Vegas, Nevada.


Jack Ryan was an engineer and an inventor.  While working with Raytheon he designed Sparrow and Hawk missiles.  Later, when working for Mattel, he created both Barbie and Chatty Cathy.


The couple divorced a year later.  Gabor was quoted as saying, “‘I just couldn’t cope,.  There was also the matter of Jack’s dungeon, a torture chamber painted a sinister black and decorated with black fox fur.  My knight in shining armour, the inhabitant of a fairytale castle … was a full-blown Seventies-style swinger, into wife-swapping and sundry sexual pursuits as a way of life.’

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OTD – Zsa Zsa Gabor Gets Roasted on The Dean Martin Show

On January 11, 1974, The Dean Martin Show aired the Celebrity Roast of Zsa Zsa Gabor.   Celebrity guests included Ruth Buzzi, Donna Fargo, Buddy Hackett, Corbett Monica, Donald O’Connor, Charles Nelson Reilly, Lonnie Schorr , and Mel Tillis.


The drinks are flowing and the jokes are plenty (and totally inappropriate for 2017, but it’s ok to laugh).

Youtube has the episode available, but if you’d prefer to own your own copy check out this box set at Amazon.  The set includes 12 full roasts.  You’ll see  Johnny Carson, Bob Hope, Lucille Ball, Jackie Gleason, and Don Rickles, along with dozens of other celebrities.  Get a copy and enjoy this wonderful time capsule of 70s/80s comedy.

January 5, 2015 – Francesca Hilton Passes Away

Francesca Hilton, daughter of Zsa Zsa Gabor and Conrad Hilton, passed away on January 5, 2015, of a massive stroke at a West Hollywood restaurant.  She had been alternating between living in a flophouse and living in her car.   In the months leading up to her death, she had been involved in a legal battle with her step-father, Prinz Frederick van Anhalt over the care of her mother and management of her mother’s estate.

Francesca Hilton’s body remained in the morgue for weeks until her half-brother, Barron Hilton, claimed the body.


Miss Liz has a series of videos regarding Francesca on YouTube.  Check them out to get a different perspective on Zsa Zsa’s only child.

Happy New Year

Happy New Year to all of you.  Today is the beginning of a whole new adventure.  Take a page from one of the most positive of Gabor qualities and live this year to the fullest. The past is the past.  Move forward and make this year your best year yet.