Happy Thanksgiving – US Holiday

I wish to express my appreciation to those of you finding your way to this blog.

There are many reasons to be thankful this year, among  them discovering my fascination with the Gabor family.  I am enjoying my journey researching articles, interviews, books, and films about the Gabors. These women were so much more than the images projected to the public.

Jolie Gabor: Both a product of and a woman ahead of her time.  She built successful business in two countries in a time when women stayed at home.

Magda Gabor:  The least known of the sisters, she was a true hero.  Her actions saved lives in World War II.

Zsa Zsa Gabor:  Confident, out-spoken, fiery.  There are so many stories about her bad behavior and many marriages.  Yet, there are blogs and comments scattered about the web describing her friendliness and generosity.

Eva: My favorite Gabor.  Very driven and underrated as an actress.  I love the sense of self she presented in interviews during her latter years.

I hope those of you celebrating Thanksgiving have a wonderful day (I hope the rest of you also have a great day).  Let me know who is your favorite Gabor and why.  I’d love to discuss.
